Sunday, May 3, 2009

Social networking sites bore me..

Finally deleted my Friendster account. I've been meaning to do it since last year just never bothered. That and I totally forgot my password.

One of the reason why I deleted my account is because I don't go to the website anymore. I think the last time I signed in was early last year? What's the point of keeping something I don't use anymore.
Second, well, nobody uses friendster anymore. They've moved on to something "bigger, better" and more complicating..Facebook. And, now I've been hearing about this thing call Twitter?
Third, the only reason I had an account on friendster (and every other social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook) is to keep in touch with my friends and family. (and also because my friends harrassed me to get an account. Damn you people. XD) And like I mentioned in point two, since no one uses Friendster anymore, it seems kinda redundant to still have it. Besides, now there are some random strangers adding me and frankly, their profiles and the comments/messages are kinda creepy and scary.

Well, now, my account no longer exists. To those who requested to be friends, I'm sorry. Thanks for the add though. (;
And, to my friends on Friendster, thanks for adding or accepting my friend request. It's been nice meeting you (albeit virtually)!